American Pile and Foundation was responsible for the drilling shaft and support of excavation portion of this project, which supports the new 6 mile long overhead 230kV transmission line beginning in Aldene, NJ, passing through Warinanco and Bayway Refinery, and ending in Linden, NJ. The project has 2 segments. Segment 1 had 73 caissons. Caisson diameters ranged between 5 to 10 feet in diameter, and up to 50 feet in depth. Segment 2 had 18 caissons, ranging in diameter from 8 to 11 feet, and up to 43 feet in depth. Drilling was performed using low headroom clearance drill rigs to avoid encroachment upon the existing energized transmission lines. Rock (generally shale) was encountered at several caisson locations. Permanent casing was installed at every caisson location, and steel sheet piling was installed at 3 caisson locations to support an existing railroad embankment slope during drilling operations.